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Electricity for Kids


Electricity is one of the basic forms of energy. It is associated with electric charge, a property of atomic particles such as electrons and protons. Electric charges can be stationary, as in static electricity, or moving, as in an electric current. Electricity can be generated from many different sources. It can be sent almost instantly over long distances and can also be stored. Moreover, it can be converted efficiently into other forms of energy. Because of this versatility, electricity is an integral part of our modern life.
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Introduction to Electricity
Grade: 5 - 12
Electricity for kids - The lesson explains electricity as the flow of atomic particles called electrons. Learn about electron flow, how batteries work, and electricity terms like volts, current and amperes.

Electricity and Circuits
Grade: 5 - 12
The lesson is an introduction to electricity and circuits. It explains that electrons are the charged particles that carry electrical energy in most circuits. The lesson includes a demonstration of series and parallel circuits.

Fossil-Fuelled Electricity
Grade: 5 - 12
The video explains how fossil fuels, especially coal, are used to generate electricity in thermal power plants.

Intro to Generating Electricity
Grade: 5 - 12
A presentation on electricity generation.

Electricity Generation
Grade: 5 - 12
Learn how electricity flows from its source to the light bulb in your home. It explains different fuels, thermal power generation, transmission and the grid.

Electricity and Matter - Conductor and Insulators
Grade: 5 - 12
A presentation on properties that make some elements and materials conductors of electricity, while other materials are insulators. It explains electron orbitals and shells, free electrons, valence electrons, conductivity and resistance.

Physical Science - Ohm's Law
Grade: 8 - 12
The lesson explains Ohm's Law. Ohm's Law states that electric current is directly proportional to voltage applied and inversely proportional to resistance between two points.

Voltage and Current, part 1
Grade: 8 - 12
Learn about voltage and current. The lesson describes voltage, the potential difference or 'pressure' that pushes electric charges through conductors.

Voltage and Current, part 2
Grade: 8 - 12

Electrical Meters - An Introduction
Grade: 8 - 12
Learn about electrical meters that measure current (ammeter), voltage (voltmeter), and resistance (ohmmeter). The lesson explains how electromagnetic and electrostatic meters work, and the operation of a cathode-ray oscilloscope.

Electrical Circuits, part 1
Grade: 8 - 12
Electricity lesson - introduction to electricity, circuits, current and resistance.

Electrical Circuits, part 2
Grade: 8 - 12
Electricity lesson - learn how resistors work in series.

Electrical Circuits, part 3
Grade: 8 - 12
Electricity lesson - learn how resistors work in parallel.

Electrical Circuits, part 4
Grade: 8 - 12
Learn to calculate current flowing through parts a circuit.

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Related science topics: Electromagnetism, Magnetism, Energy Sources
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