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Eclipse for Kids


An eclipse occurs when one celestial object moves into the shadow of another. It's an astronomical event that requires three or more celestial objects to get aligned in a straight line. In solar eclipses, moon passes between the Sun and the Earth casting its shadow on the Earth's surface, and partly or wholly obscuring the Sun. In lunar eclipses, the moon passes through some part of the Earth's shadow.
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What is a Lunar Eclipse?
Grade: 3 - 12
Lunar eclipse for kids - When the moon passes through the Earth's shadow, it causes the moon to look dark and reddish for a short period of time. This event is called a lunar eclipse, and it occurs roughly twice a year. Learn more about how lunar eclipses happen in this video.

What Causes an Eclipse of the Moon?
Grade: 3 - 12
A lesson on lunar eclipse. It explains what causes it and other aspects of lunar eclipses.

What is a Solar Eclipse?
Grade: 3 - 12
Learn about solar eclipses. It occurs when a new moon moves into a position of direct alignment between the Sun and the Earth. The line-up is not precise enough for this to happen every month, making the event a rare and spectacular treat that plunges an area on Earth into a few minutes of eerie darkness during day time.

Why are Solar Eclipses only Visible in Some Places?
Grade: 3 - 12
Lesson on solar eclipse. It explains eclipses of the Sun and why they can't be seen everywhere.

Total Solar Eclipse - China 2008
Grade: 3 - 12
Watch a recording of total solar eclipse on 1st August 2008 from China.

Total Solar Eclipse - Turkey 2006
Grade: 3 - 12
Watch a recording of total solar eclipse on 29th March 2006 from Turkey.

Total Solar Eclipse - Queensland 2012
Grade: 3 - 12
Solar eclipse phases as seen from Queensland outback on 13th Nov, 2012.

Total Solar Eclipse - 2008
Grade: 3 - 12
Recording of total solar eclipse on August 1, 2008.The eclipse swept across Earth in a narrow path from Canada's northern territory of Nunavut to northern China's Silk Road region at sunset.

Lunar Eclipse - Hawaii 2007
Grade: 3 - 12
A recording of total lunar eclipse on Aug. 28, 2007 as seen from Kapiolani Park in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Total Lunar Eclipse - 2008
Grade: 3 - 12
Time lapse photography of the total lunar eclipse on February 20, 2008.

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