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Biographies for Kids


A biography is a description of a person's life highlighting various aspects of his or her life, events and experiences. Here is a list of video biographies of prominent persons from across the world.
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Darwin's Biography
Grade: 4 - 12
The video tells how Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution.

Galileo Galilei
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of Galileo Galilei.

The Story of Bill Gates
Grade: 4 - 12
Video on Bill Gates.

Steve Jobs Documentary
Grade: 4 - 12
Documentary on Steve Jobs.

Andrew Carnegie
Grade: 4 - 12
Andrew Carnegie - Dunfermline's most famous son in a short promo for a proposed film on his life.

American Presidents: Abraham Lincoln
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of Abraham Lincoln with historical context, thematic segments and interviews with political luminaries.

American Presidents: Ulysses S. Grant
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of Ulysses S. Grant with historical context, thematic segments and interviews with political luminaries.

American Presidents: John Adams
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of John Adams with historical context, thematic segments and interviews with political luminaries.

American Presidents: John Quincy Adams
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of John Quincy Adams with historical context, thematic segments and interviews with political luminaries.

American Presidents: James Monroe
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of James Monroe with historical context, thematic segments and interviews with political luminaries.

American Presidents: Franklin D Roosevelt
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of Franklin D Roosevelt with historical context, thematic segments and interviews with political luminaries.

American Presidents: Andrew Jackson
Grade: 4 - 12
Video about President Andrew Jackson providing interesting, fun facts and info about his life and achievements.

A Mother's Promise: Barack's Biography
Grade: 4 - 12
A biography of Barack Obama that played at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, prior to Barack's acceptance speech.

Barack Obama Biography
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography highlighting the life and accomplishments of Illinois Senator Barack Obama.

Ernest Hemingway
Grade: 4 - 12
Ernest Hemingway lived a life complete. He was a man of the world, well traveled, well read, and close to nature. He never lost a chance for adventure. This video is a mini-biography, presenting the highlights of his life.

Isaac Newton, part 1
Grade: 4 - 12
The life and ideas of Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727).

Isaac Newton, part 2
Grade: 4 - 12

Grade: 4 - 12
A biography of the ancient Greek thinker Plato. The school founded by this ancient philosopher, became a prototype of modern higher education. Contemporaries named him - the divine teacher.

Grade: 4 - 12
Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was born in Athens in the year 469 BC. Socrates became the new philosophy founder and the teacher of the many of great philosophers.

William Shakespeare
Grade: 4 - 12
A short biography of William Shakespeare, renowned poet and playwright.

Johann Gutenberg
Grade: 4 - 12
A short biography of Johann Gutenberg, inventor of the first printing press in 1450.

Albert Einstein
Grade: 4 - 12
A short biography of Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity. He is considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century.

Johann Sebastian Bach
Grade: 4 - 12
Learn more about the life and times of one of classical music's greatest composers, Johann Sebastian Bach.

The Wright brothers
Grade: 4 - 12
The life and times of the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, who were inventors and aviation pioneers credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane.

John D. Rockefeller - A Short Biography
Grade: 4 - 12
Learn about the life of John D. Rockefeller.

Warren Buffett
Grade: 4 - 12
Author of the best-selling Warren Buffett biography, The Snowball, discusses Buffett's life, family and business relationships.

Steven Spielberg
Grade: 4 - 12
Life and work of Academy Award winning director Steven Spielberg.

Mao Zedong Biography
Grade: 4 - 12
A brief biography of Mao Zedong.

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