Recent Reviews and Testimonials

"We are happy to announce that NeoK12 has been selected for inclusion in the American Library Association's Great Web Sites for Kids. During the Great Web Sites selection process, your site was one of 20 sites selected as a Great Web Sites for Kids. Congratulations!" - American Library Association

"Different videos are appropriate for different age groups but so many clips are available that the website covers all levels of schooling from pre-school to secondary school." - Teaching English, British Council BBC

"A selection of video clips on various subjects (physical science, life science, human body, earth and space, social studies, health, mathematics and English) is available on this website to make lessons more exciting and visual... the website covers all levels of schooling from pre-school to secondary school." - UNESCO - ICT in Education

"ClickScholar Michael Grice recommended this website that archives educational videos from across the Internet in one place. The videos are terrific learning tools that explain and illustrate the wonders of science to kids in grades K-12... Bookmark this site to use it as a learning resource again and again. " - Diane Flynn Keith, ClickSchooling

"I love embedding videos as teasers into learning programs, or as nuggets of information at the right point in the learning sequence. So I was pretty pleased when I came across neoK12. NeoK12 offers a great way to search for free online educational videos from all over the Internet. I recommend taking a peek. Covers just about every subject area you might want." - Judy O'Connell (Editorial Board, School Libraries Worldwide)

"A HUGE PLUS... A fantastic resource for teachers and students of all grade levels! " - Curriculum Support, Light of Christ Catholic Schools

"Neok12 makes it much easier to find videos. The videos illustrate a wide array of subjects including math, social studies and science. The site also has a section on science projects videos with lots of great science project ideas, and another section on science experiments." - Educational Freeware

"The Best Resources for Elementary Schools : NeoK12 is a comprehensive collection of educational videos, lessons, and games for students in grades K-12." - The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators

"NeoK12 has a lot of videos for kids that are in grades kindergarten through 12th grade. The best part is that each of these videos has already been viewed and verified by teachers also in grades K through 12... Very cool stuff to help children of all ages learn. Children are our experiments - let's help them thrive! Give them every opportunity to learn! All in all this is a great idea and we should all help it along with a little nudge! Tell your friends that have children that neoK12 is here to help them out!" -

"Access the best of online educational videos, lessons, and games for K-12 school kids. Try the fun learning tool - select pictures, read articles, and neoK12 will help set up a presentation you can edit, view and print." - Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators

"NeoK12 offers videos, lessons, interactive diagrams, games, puzzles and quizzes for grades K-12. They feature an extensive science (videos, interactives, games,quizzes etc.) collection where I believe it would be hard not to find something for your next science lesson. They have a wide assortment of games and other interactives. They even have a tool that allows students to create their own presentation using Flickr photos. This is quite cool." - Karen B, Chicago Public School

"NeoK12 is a fantastic collection of videos arranged by subject that have been individually reviewed by K-12 teachers. There are also quizzes, games and puzzles as well as a cool presentation creator that helps teachers or students create presentations within the site. Also cool is the How it Works Section." - Keith Ferrell, Technology Integration Specialist

"Science, math, language and many other classes are not going to be a problem any more. Kids need to learn and have fun at the same time, and that is one of the main reasons why this online resource was created... In case you are a teacher looking for a better method to teach through appropriate videos in an effective and fast way, you will have the chance to do it on this site. This is something new, and it seems to be an effective way to enhance kids' learning in a manner suited to the modern times. " -

"Wow, I have hit the motherload. I just found NeoK12, and amazing website that has cataloged the best selection of free online educational videos for kids from preschool on up... I am giving this site two huge thumbs up. And, whether you homeschool or not (even if you don't have kids) I think it's worth your time to check it out. I hope you will enjoy it was much as we are!" - Sweet Serendipity/ Homeschoolceo

"A Super Collection of Educational Videos. NeoK12 is a great collection of educational videos for science, math, social studies, and language arts." - Free Technology for Teachers

"Educational resources you can use to keep learning over vacation : NeoK12 - Educational Videos for K-12 Students" - Los Angeles Unified School District

"Another web gem... NeoK12 is a site which has compiled and categorized (thank you!) hundreds of educational videos for grades K-12. The site is labeled as 100% Kid Safe, as all video submission are reviewed and approved prior to posting. Definitely worth a look! " - Keith Schoch, Educator

"NeoK12 is an outstanding online collection of educational videos, lessons and games for students in grades K-12. It is a wonderful asset that ensures the accuracy and appropriateness for students. You should check it out! It is a great way to incorporate the real world into your daily activities!" - Terrific Tech Tips and Ideas

"The site has a focus on Science concepts with clearly organised topics. You can also browse for relevant pictures and make your own presentations using the online tools. This is a really useful site that any teachers of Science should definitely bookmark!" - Teaching News

"NeoK12 is a very useful site that catalogues thousands of educational videos for teachers and students to use. There are also links to images and quizzes which could prove handy." - The Whiteboard Blog

"NeoK12 is a vast repository of informative clips ? and to be honest, they're worth the while for an adult who wants to catch up on a subject he never paid much attention to! Along with quizzes, puzzles and educational games, this site is a great place for your child to have fun while learning." - Mumbai Mirror

"The smart teachers at NeoK12 have cataloged some of the best educational videos available. Use the NeoK12 presentation tool and the pictures to create a presentations. Given what it has to offer, there's no wonder that NeoK12 was selected as one of the American Library Association's Great Websites for Kids." -

"This website is amazing. You can find educational videos for many different subject areas. It's easy to navigate and teachers can leave with some excellent visual resources for the classroom." - Kristen Ferris

"NeoK12 is a great collection of educational videos for science, math, social studies, and language arts... NeoK12 could be a valuable time-saver in your search for educational videos. " - Thomas Jefferson Middle School

"Videos are a powerful tool in the classroom, but it's sometimes difficult to find the right video for what your class is doing. This site has catalogued a whole lot of videos for class use. " - Ross Hampton, ICT Facilitator Wellesley College

"For our favorite parents and teachers --- a site with F-R-E-E Educational videos and lessons for K-12 School Kids culled from all over the web. It's a frill-free zone, but lots of content. Enjoy." - QED Homeschool Hub

"Impressive collection of video clips to enhance K12 lessons." - Nik Peachey, Teacher trainer

"What a wonderful site!... Very cool! We love science here. Thanks!... This site looks great... Thanks for sharing! My kids are already hooked. " - The Well-Trained Minds (forums)

"The site is composed of short educational videos running from about 2+ to 8+ minutes on a whole range of topics which seem to include all school subjects except languages. As their name says, they'll interest kids from K to 12... So take a look at NeoK12. It's a nice gift to parents facing the long, hot summer." - A Shining Town

"Children learn best when they see the things happen or work, especially with movies with good explanations, fun and good quality. NeoK12 is a catalog of educational videos that brings together in one place, the best free educational videos on the internet." - BlogTE, Blog of Educational Technology

"Educational videos made easy. NeoK12 offers a great way to search for free online educational videos from all over the Internet. What a great way to find videos on topics quick and easily... It covers most subjects - check it out and see what you think. A great teaching tool and save lots of time." - Booksurf Blog

"NeoK12 has sorted hundreds of YouTube and Metacafe videos into educational categories. Current categories include: Physical Science, Life Science, Human Body, Earth and Space, Social Studies, Health, Math and English." - EduTechieGal

"NeoK12 has got videos for science, math, english, social studies, and more. The site makes it easy for educators to search for appropriate videos for their class." - TechTalks

"NeoK12 offers a great way to search for free online educational videos from all over the Internet. A 30 second search provided me with some videos that will be perfect for say, an American Revolution project. Time is money, AND the videos can be embedded into a blog or wiki. Taking a look. Covers just about every subject area. And all lessons and videos have been screened by teachers." - Kelly Dempsey, Instructional technologist

"NeoK12 is a wonderful collection of educational videos for science, math, social studies, and language arts... NeoK12 saves you time through their more thorough categorization and classification of videos." - Steve Perry

"NeoK12 has a large selection of educational videos sorted by subject and topic... NeoK12 might be a good way to identify some good videos that would be useful in your lessons." - Larry Ferlazzo, Teacher

"NeoK12: another cool portal for video. Share this before summer break or at an early faculty meeting. And when you do, teach about the wonders of embedding!" - Joyce Valenza Ph.D

"This is a nice place to start when looking for verified content that will enrich the classroom's learning experience. NeoK12 is a free site and is easy to use." - eduTecher

"NeoK12 is a catalog of the best free educational videos on the internet brought together at one place. Children learn best when they see the things happen or work, especially with movies with good explanations, fun and good quality." - Tecnologia Educacional

"A great site for K-12 videos." - iConnect iLearn in the 21st Century

"Educational videos for students available online that have been previewed and categorized under English, Sciences and Math." - ICT in English NZ

"Found this great site today - NeoK12! NeoK12 catalogs the best free online educational videos from across the Internet at one place. They watch and review each video to ensure they are safe and appropriate for K-12 kids. They also check the accuracy of the content and catalog it under the relevant categories and topics." - Amy Hopkins, Middle school technology teacher

"Fabulous Finds : NeoK12 Educational videos for K-12 " - 21st Century Technology Teams

"This site is full of educational videos on a variety of topics from sports to music to comets to volcanic eruptions." - Ms. Pitkin's Club

"This is a impressive collection of educational video selected by teachers and set up in a social system where everyone can review these videos and easily recommend other videos suitable for teaching." - Skolebibliotek

"Check out this fantastic collection of real world videos and resources for science, math, and history from NeoK12. " - Angela Maiers, Education consultant

"Neo K12 is a web resource that has catalogued a wide variety of videos according to topics that are suitable for primary school students. Neo K12 links to popular video sharing sites such as Youtube making the search time for quality educational videos shorter." - Bluff Point Primary School

"NeoK12 : Free K-12 Real World Educational Videos. Videos are primarily in the science area, but there are a few for Social Studies, Math and English. Click on a link and you'll see several videos for each topic... All videos are screened to make sure they are safe for kids." - Digital Resource for Mahaska County

"NeoK12 features online educational videos for K-12 school kids on science, math, social studies, language and other subjects. With its easy navigation and listing of topics, NeoK12 helps kids, parents and teachers find relevant videos quickly. Incorporating these exceptional videos in the learning process makes the topics interesting, informative and very effective for the kid's learning." - Feedmyapp, Education Video Web 2.0 Applications & Sites

"Neok12 is an interesting portal for children that offers online video and lessons for children up to 12 years of age. Selected by teachers, the videos cover all subjects, from science to mathematics, physics, health and the human body, astronomy, and there are fun videos too. The service is free and requires no registration. So good viewing at all!" - Future Mamme

"Site of the Week : NeoK12 - Educational videos and lessons for K-12 school kids " - International Association of School Librarianship

"Very useful site and excellent collection of videos for kids !" - NETWEBAPP

"Videos are a great way to supplement regular curriculum. is a site that aggregates educational videos from around the web and presents them in categories such as Science, Math, English, and Social Studies... The categorization of the videos by subject makes this site a valuable resource for students, teachers and parents." - SmartBean

"NeoK12 has catalogued a wide variety of videos according to topics that are suitable for primary school students." - Bluff Point Primary School

"A new way to make learning a fun and motivating experience..." - c-malade

"Here's the best selection of free online educational videos and lessons from all over the Internet." - Dianne Krause, Instructional Technology Specialist

"I just found this great site for free educational videos and video lessons for kids in K12." - Dr. Anja Comerford's Connections

"If you need a video on the topic - it will be here!" - Grade4 Planning

"Gets five stars from me." - Barbara Braxton, Teacher Librarian

"Educational videos and lessons for K-12 school kids... All subjects are covered to include Math, English, Science and Social Studies. " - Bruce Roberson, Math Teacher

"The philosophy of NeoK12 is to teach children how and the why of things around them with the learning method is closer to their age... Although the contents are in English, children, parents and teachers can find videos and lessons that are understandable and interesting to support the learning process." -

"This website has the best selection of free online educational videos and lessons from all over the Internet." - Family Learning EXperience

"Enriching the curriculum of children aged 6 to 12 years with new technologies has so far been a dream. But the website NeoK12 can be considered a good starting point to achieve this desired goal. In fact, thanks to the authors of this online resource, you can enrich the classroom learning experience with activities that certainly will not replace the work of the teacher but will complement it with movies and games of various kinds. I highly recommend the site for teachers. What to say ... good job!" -

"Although the contents are in English, children, parents and teachers can find videos and lessons understandable and interesting from an academic point of view to support the learning process." -

"The NeoK12 is considered by many users as the largest catalog that brings together the best educational videos on the Internet. " - EDUCATIC, Educational Technology Portal

"Extensive collection of online video clips in English for schoolchildren of all ages, in the area of science, mathematics, languages, health, etc." -

"NeoK12 has probably the best collection of free educational videos on the internet" - ZarcoEnglish - Tool of the Day

"Science (and other subjects) Video resource Library" - Educational Origami

"A great directory of video, many from YouTube, of educational videos." - Deborah Whitehurst Electronic Portfolio

"Even if the videos are in English, it can be very useful and interesting, as the content is easy to understand." -

"NeoK12 is a site that provides an organized way for finding Educational Videos by topic. Guaranteed to save hours of search time for teachers & students alike. " - HFS conversations

"If you like this one, go here for a truckload of more really great online videos, many/most of them targeted at students - just like YOU!" - HK8 Staff

"Here is the best selection of FREE online educational videos and lessons." - Langwitches

"Check out this educational video site!" - Robin Studies Resources

"Neok12 is a great selection of free online educational videos and lessons from the Internet. NeoK12's collection of learning videos covers most of the topics for K-12 students and educators." - Techntuit

"NeoK12 is a great collection of educational videos on the Internet. The interesting thing is that they have checked to ensure that they are suitable for children." - Ars Longa Vita Brevis

"This site offers a free collection of educational videos, lessons, quizzes and puzzles for students from K-12. You could spend hours browsing this site." - Digital Tools for Teachers

"Looking for searchable, watchdog approved, and age-appropriate videos and games? This is a great spot." - New and Noteworthy Resources

"An amazing site for finding educational videos." - Grapevine High School

"A fabulous website with various videos and films that can be used as a supplement to programming in Years P-12." - Nicky Hurle, Calvary Christian College

"This website, NeoK12, has lots of great online activities, videos, and games. " - The Bluestocking Belle

"Great video clips that offer help in all subjects!! " - Watchung Borough Schools

"Are you looking for educational videos and lessons? NeoK12 is the one stop shop where students and teachers can create online presentations, using a large database of images, videos and articles." - QSI International School of Chisinau