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The Water Cycle
Levelsby Ian Sane on Flickr

Did you know?

Water we are drinking and using today has been around longer than the dinosaurs! Longer than time itself. We could be drinking water that one day dinosaurs drunk! We are using water that could have been used a million years ago! 

But how do you explain this - It is because of something called the Water Cycle

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Dewdropby orangeacid on Flickr

Fun Facts

Do plants sweat?

Well, sort of.... people perspire (sweat) and plants transpire. 
Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water out of their leaves. It gives evaporation a bit of a hand in getting the water vapor back up into the air.
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Yellow Frangipani Bunch 2by Swami Stream on Flickr


Water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. This is called condensation.

You can see the same sort of thing at home... pour a glass of cold water on a hot day and watch what happens.  Water forms on the outside of the glass.  That water didn't somehow leak through the glass!  It actually came from the air.  Water vapor in the warm air, turns back into liquid when it touches the cold glass

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Regenbogen-Taubenby Pink Dispatcher on Flickr


Precipitation occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail,sleet or snow. 
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Secret momentsby zenera on Flickr


When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land.  When it ends up on land, it will either soak into the earth and become part of the “ground water” that plants and animals use to drink or it may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts all over again.

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