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The Wonder of Stars
Nébuleuse d'Orion (M42) by ComputerHotline on Flickr

  • A star is a giant luminous ball of plasma that is put together by gravity. 
  • Most stars are visible from Earth. 
  • Stars give off intense heat and light. Like how the Sun gives heat and light to the Earth and other planets.  
  • If you get too close to stars, you will die because of the heat.
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Helix Nebula by jimkster on Flickr

  • A nebula is a gust (a gust is a cloud of dust and gas). If there is enough gust, a star can be formed in the nebula. 
  • Our sun was in a nebula over four hundred years ago. After they are born from the nebula, they live for billions of years unlike us humans.
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E0102-72.3: Supernova Portrait Gallery by Smithsonian Institution on Flickr

  • A supernova is when a star that is bigger than our sun explodes. 
  • This happens because, in less then a second, the core of the star collapses. 
  • The explosion blows the outer layer of the star leaving a contracting core there all alone. 
  • The materials and shock waves that come form the exploded star can form a whole new formation of stars. 
  • Supernovas can cause very beautiful images. A supernova can last 1-2 years.
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Orion Nebula: Planetary Protection--X-ray Super Flares Aid Formation of Solar Systems by Smithsonian Institution on Flickr

Astronomers use colours to show the magnitudes of stars (magnitude means the brightness of the star). Theses colours are.......

  • Red is the brightest colour. Red stars are burning helium and other heavy elements. An example of this kind of star is Betelgeuse that is part of the constellation Orion.    
  • Orange is the second brightest colour. 
  • Yellow is the third brightest colour. Yellow stars are medium stars. They have medium temperature which causes them to burn out faster. They only live for about 10 million years.
  • White is the second last brightness.
  • Blue is the dullest colour of brightness. 

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The Antennae: A pair of colliding galaxies about 60 million light years from Smithsonian Institution on Flickr

Astronomers also use colours to describe how hot the stars are. These colours are.....
  1. Blue is the hottest colour of stars. The core of this star is estimated to be at a temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius.  They do not live as long as other stars. The stars temperature is 29727.
  2. White stars are the next hottest stars. It has a temperature of 9727.
  3. Yellow stars are the third hottest stars. This temperature is 5727.
  4. Orange stars are the forth hottest stars . The stars temperature  is 4927.
  5. Red stars are the fifth hottest stars . It has a temperature of 3427.
  6. Brown stars are the second last hottest stars. This temperature is 727.
  7. Black is the coolest stars. This stars temperature is - 273.
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Hercules, entre Lyra et Corona borealis by Charl de Mille-Isles on Flickr

  • Constellations are bright stars that are close together in our view that but really far apart in space. 
  • People sometimes see patterns in these stars, that’s how they get their names. 
  • Most of the names are from ancient Greece and are usually Greek gods. 
  • An example is Cassiopeia who was a mischievousness queen. 
  • Some other civilizations used other names for their own constellations depending on what their beliefs and stories were. 
  • What constellations we see depend on where we are on the earth and where the constellations are. 
  • Some constellations never rise or set and they stay in the same positions all year. These constellations are called circumpolar stars. 
  • Some of the northern hemisphere circumpolar constellations are Cassiopeia, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. 
  • There are also seasonal constellations, which are only there part of the year depending on the latitude of the place.

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