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Visit to a History Museum
EP2_PB143289 by etee on Flickr


Today we are going to a History Museum to get more information on fossils. Fossils tells about earth's history. The fossils can be decades old and some can be ages old.

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fossil frog by kevinzim on Flickr

There we saw a a fossil of a frog. Frogs can be both found in water or on land.
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08172010_0070 by etee on Flickr

Then we saw that was may be a lizard fossil. This was maybe a fossil of lizard's bones because we can see the bones of hands and legs.
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fossildragonfly2 by kevinzim on Flickr

Then we saw a fossil of a dragonfly. We can see that it would be really old because some lines are fading.
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08172010_0080 by etee on Flickr

Then we saw this fossil. We think its from underwater because we can also some little fish fossils next to the dragonfly's fossil. There were lot of little fishes of different types.
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08172010_0068 by etee on Flickr


Then we saw what looked like a earthworm fossil. It neccesarily doesn't have to be earthworm because earthworms are not these big.

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08172010_0064 by etee on Flickr

Then we saw a what looked like a turtle fossil. This fossil would have been new-ish because the fossil lines are deep, you can even see the fingers on the fossil.
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Fish Fossils by Jeff Kubina on Flickr

We also saw this, which looked like a fish fossil. The fish would have died by the time because we could also see the bones through the fish fossil.
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08172010_0038 by etee on Flickr

We also came across this fossil. This looks like a average lizard fossil. The lizard would have been light weight because this fossil is not that deep.
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Bad Boys by subarcticmike on Flickr

Then we saw this carcasses. One on the bottom right looks like a dinosaur carcass. One on the top looks like a big fish carcass.
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Trilobyte Growth by Ryan Somma on Flickr

Then we came across this amazing model named Trilobyte (Trilobite) Growth. Trilobyte are said to be arthropods.
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trilobite by kevinzim on Flickr

This is a really detailed and really good trilobite fossil. Trilobite is one of the earliest known of the arthropods. There are so many other types of arthropods.
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Trilobite 3 by kevinzim on Flickr

This is a real fossil of a trilobite. We think it is old and dead. They all look different. They are so small in height but one of the oldest insects.
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1025090 by El Bibliomata on Flickr

We also saw this picture of a fossil. This fossil looks really old because the picture looks old. This looks like a dragonfly but dragonfly has four wings and not three. This fossil is very unique.
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United States National Museum Exhibit, Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY by Smithsonian Institution on Flickr

We also saw this picture of a old museum. This museum also had a dinosaur carcass and other things for people to see.
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1025162 by El Bibliomata on Flickr

We saw this old picture of what looks like a elephant. This is a mammoth. It is a species of elephant who have curved front teeth like shown in the picture.
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1025005 by El Bibliomata on Flickr

This is a picture of a carcuss. This carcuss looks like the carcuss of mammoth because of the curved teeth in the front and small tail. Mammoths are extinct.
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1025003 by El Bibliomata on Flickr

This is a picture of a dinosaur. It is called Plesiosaur. They are not believed to exist anymore. They were reptiles and found underwater.
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1025129 by El Bibliomata on Flickr

This is a fossil of many different things. They all look like bones from differnt animals. Some also look like dinosaur bones because they bones are tall and shaped as if it were dinosaur's.
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1025063 by El Bibliomata on Flickr

This is a fossil of starfish. It looks like old fossil because of the picture. The starfish was attached to the fossil. And with this sight we concluded our visit at the museum.
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