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Is solar energy renewable?
Solar energy is indeed, renewable because the sun will always shine. The solar panels will not lose their source of energy. Renewable means theat you can use the energy over and over again. Non-renewable means that you cannot use it over and over again. | ||||
What are the disadvantages of solar energy?
The disadvantages of solar energy are that when it is night time or if the sun is not shining,the solar panels will not work. Also,because solar energy does not supply enough energy,so you need backup energy sources.
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What are the advantages of solar energy?
The advantages of using solar enrgy is that solar energy is non-polluting.For example,if you use tidal energy,then you are destroying the natural habitat of many animals.Solar energy is also very safe to use because there are no huge electric hazards like in the nuclear power plants.
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Energy transformations
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How can I save energy?
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The End |