Muscle Man (1) |
by GreenFlames09 on Flickr |
Digestive System is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body.
In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process and it also has to excrete waste.
DIgestive Tract Model Chart (9) |
by GreenFlames09 on Flickr |
- Digestive process begins in the mouth. Food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary enzymes, produced by the salivary glands. Enzymes breaks down starches into smaller molecules.
- The swallowed food goes down the esophagus into your stomach.There the food mixes with acid to form a semi liquid called chime.
- Chime is squirted little by little through a valve in the bottom of our stomach called the pylorus to small intestine.
Muscle Man |
by GreenFlames09 on Flickr |
- Small intestine is around 20 feet (6 meters)long and does most of the digestion.
- Chime mixes with the bile as well as pancreatic and intestinal juice.
DIgestive Tract Model Chart (1) |
by GreenFlames09 on Flickr |
- The small intestine filters useful nutrients and passes them to all the blood cells.
Kidney Model 9 |
by GreenFlames09 on Flickr |
- The liver turns nutrients into glucose and filters poisonous materials from blood.
- Unused substances move to the large intestine where water and minerals are absorbed. Any waste leaves body through the rectum.