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The Heart
Heart anatomyby Patrick J. Lynch on Flickr

  • The Heart is a hollow muscle that pumps blood to the whole body.
  • It is located in the chest and between the lungs. 
  • It has a double-walled sac to protect it.
  • It's function is to pump blood throughout the blood vessels to keep the body oxygenated, so that we can stay alive.
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bless youby Robert S. Donovan on Flickr

The heart consists of 3 types of tissues:
  1. Epithelial
  2. Muscle 
  3. Nerve
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texture 93by Nasos3 on Flickr

Epithelial tissue, also referred  to as skin tissue, protects the heart from rubbing and damaging the lobes in the heart.

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Strip Soccerby jurvetson on Flickr

Muscle tissue in the heart is responsible for contracting the heart and causes blood to flow.
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774 - Neuron Connection - Patternby Patrick Hoesly on Flickr

Nerve tissue contains the nerves that tell the heart to beat, pump blood around our body to keep us alive. It also controls our heart rate.
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Refraction #10by Nathan O'Nions on Flickr

Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to all the living tissues of the body and carry away carbon dioxide.
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*gasp*by fPat on Flickr

White blood cells attack viruses and bacteria so we can stay healthy. 
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Heart anatomyby Vintage Collective on Flickr

Muscle cells relate to the heart because when the heart contracts, it pumps blood and the muscle cells make the muscle contract.
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