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Reptiles are cold-blooded air-breathing vertebrate animals. They usually have scales on their bodies and have four limbs. Most reptiles hatch out of eggs. Being cold-blooded, their metabolism depends on the temperature of the environment. Alligators, crocodiles, tortoises, turtles, lizards and snakes are common examples of reptiles.
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Discover facts about Reptiles.

Reptiles - NatGeo Best Photos
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A slideshow of favorite reptile photos submitted by National Geographic readers.

Giant Crocodilians
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Learn about giant crocodilians that can stretch up to 16 feet long and weigh as much as half a ton.

Cobra vs. Monitor Lizard
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Watch a cobra take on a monitor lizard - two aggressive predators competing for the same prey.

Chameleon Babies
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Discover facts about Africa's flapneck chameleons. Once the female has created a burrow for her eggs, she hits the road again, never to return.

World's Largest Spitting Cobra
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Learn about the world's largest spitting cobra, a full 9 feet long, that researchers have recently discovered in Kenya.

Aldabra Giant Tortoise
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Get up close to meet Alex, the Aldabra Giant Tortoise, a resident of the Smithsonian's National Zoo since 1956.

Monitor Lizard vs. Croc
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Watch a monitor lizard as it takes on a female crocodile to snatch her eggs for a meal.

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Watch an Anaconda, one of the world's largest snakes, take down a capybara, the world's largest rodent weighing nearly one hundred pounds.

Deadly Venomous Viper
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Find out about the highly venomous viper, a small snake that causes up to 50% of all venomous bites.

Komodo Dragons
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Discover facts about Komodo dragons. Watch Komodo dragon babies as they hatch at the Denver Zoo.

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Related science topics: Animals & Wildlife, Amphibians, Birds, Mammals, Marine Animals, Insects
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